Opening Bulletin & Required Information
In compliance with LAUSD, the following mandated bulletins have been provided for reference & action:
- 2019-20-Ref Guide 072101 Testing Calendars
- Abolition of Corporal Punishment
- Acquisition and Usage of Wireless Voice and Data Devices
- Administrative Searches to Ensure School Safety
- Bullying and Hazing Policy -Stu. to Stu. and Stu. to Adult
- Cal-OSHA Log of Injuries and Illnesses
- Certification of Absence Forms
- Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Requirements
- Code of Conduct with Students
- Compliance with the 1976 United Staes Copyright Law
- Crisis Preparedness, Response and Recovery
- Discipline Foundation Policy
- District Emergency Response and Preparedness
- District Policy for Travel and Attendance at Conf. or Conventions
- Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco - Free Workplace
- Employee Code of Ethics
- Employee Inappropriate Conduct Allegation Policy and Procedures
- Ethics Policies
- Field TripS Handbook and Revised Procedures
- Guidelines for the Use of Audiovisual Materials Not Owned, Broadcast, or Recommened
- Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes - Response and Reporting
- Incident System Tracking Accountability Report
- Information Protection Policy
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program Requirements
- Jury Services for Certificated Employees and Teacher Assistants
- LAUSD Employee Attendance Policy
- Lockdown and Rapid Relocation Procedures for all Schools
- Nondiscrimination Required Notices and Ordering of Student Brochures
- Policy Regarding Internet Safety for Students
- Responsible and Acceptable Use Policy for districtComputer and Network
- Safe use of Household Electrical Appliances and Extension Cords at School
- School Site Emergency - Disaster Supplies
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Sexual Harassment - Employee to Employee
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Social Media Policy for Employees and Associated Persons
- Student and Employee Security
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
- Threat Assessment and Management
- Title IX Policy - Complaint Procedures
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Use of Cellular Phones and Other Electronics by Stu.
- Visitor to School Campuses and Locked Campuses
- Williams Complaint Procedures
- Workplace Violence, Bullying and Threats
Los Angeles Unified
School District
Gustavo Barrientos, Principal
Derek Steinorth, Asst. Principal